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Mid-Conference Field Trip 15

Sustainable Land and Watershed Management

All mid-conference field trips will depart from the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Proceed to the second level connector where signage will direct you to the proper transportation queue for your tour.

Mid-Conference Field Trip 15 will depart at 8am.

Tour the Northern Appalachian Experimental Watershed, a 1,050-acre research facility with over 60 years of continuous data collection from small watersheds and groundwater lysimeters. Visit includes current research projects addressing land management practices and sustainable agricultural technologies. The Sugar Creek Watershed Restoration project and the development of the “Sugar Creek Method”, a community-based approach to watershed management that emphasizes local action and decision-making based on scientific data, will be discussed. A brief stop to view remnants of the historic canal system in Ohio will be included. We will conclude the day at Raven’s Glen winery for dinner and optional Ohio wine tasting! 


Cost: free – transportation and lunch included. Dinner and wine tasting cost the responsibility of the attendee.
Duration: full day and evening
Tour Leader: Dr. Jim Bonta, USDA ARS, and Prof. Richard Moore, The Ohio State University 
Min/Max Participants: 12/54

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