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Mid-Conference Field Trip 16

Agricultural Sustainability and Food Security

All mid-conference field trips will depart from the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Proceed to the second level connector where signage will direct you to the proper transportation queue for your tour.

Mid-Conference Field Trip 16 will depart at 8am.

Explore Malabar Farm, home of Pulitzer-prize winning author Louis Bromfield who was a pioneer in sustainable agricultural practices during the 1930s and 1940s. Wagon ride and tour of the manor house will be included. We will then proceed to The Ohio State University’s Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center to learn about current research topics including agricultural sustainability, food security, carbon sequestration, and global change. A tour of the Honey Bee Laboratory will also be included. The trip will conclude with a tour of a typical Amish Farm and traditional Amish community dinner.


Cost: US$25.00 – transportation, lunch and dinner included.
Duration: full day and evening
Tour Leader: Prof. Deb Stinner, The Ohio State University 
Min/Max Participants: 12/54

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