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EcoSummit 2012 E-Newsletter: July 2012

EcoSummit 2012 to Feature Film Festival

The EcoSummit 2012 International Film Festival will be held during the conference to give delegates from around the world an opportunity to see films that tell the full spectrum of the ecological story, from degradation to restoration. Filmmakers, both professional and amateur, will be showing short films at the conference, some of which will be making their premier. Following the conference, selected films will be shown at the Center of Science and Industry in Columbus, Ohio, to give the public a chance to view the films.

Deb Paat, who is helping to organize the film festival, said telling the eco story is important to a sustainable future. She said, “Film is the perfect medium to both document the tremendous efforts now underway to restore our ecosystems and to inspire people to make a difference in their communities. Film has the ability to motivate people, so it’s important on many different levels.

Paat also explained that the film producers have been instructed to make their films viewable by a broad international audience and should not be “language bound,” meaning the films should be able to be viewed and understood by anyone.  

See other articles in the July 2012 newsletter:

- Letter from the Conference Chair
- 52 Years of Climate Science: The Byrd Polar Research Center
- Mid-Conference Tour of Ohio’s Wetlands and Bird Sanctuaries

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